10 Facebook Setting Tricks You Must Try To Keep Your Account Safe From Prying Eyes
3. Don’t mention your email address on your profile
Even unknown people can easily access your email id from Facebook. You might have mentioned your email id in the ‘About’ section, which is easily accessible to strangers. Here’s how to remove it. Log in to your Facebook account and find the Contact Information section on your About page. Click on the Edit button. Find the email address you use to log in to Facebook with and click the down arrow beside the “Lock” icon. Place a check mark beside Only Me. Next, click the down arrow on the right and place a check mark beside Hidden from Timeline.
4. Block persistent people on Facebook Messenger
If you don’t want to revert to a pesky friend or a creepy non-friend, all you’ve got to do is find options in the chat section and go to the advance settings. Add the name to the “Turn off chat for only some friends…” tab.