Home Art & Design Warka Water Tower Harvests Water From Air Wins World Design Award

Warka Water Tower Harvests Water From Air Wins World Design Award

Warka water is an innovative design that harnesses drinking water from the air. Installed its pilot project in a rural Ethiopian village has won the prestigious 2016 World Design Impact Prize at a World Design Capital gala in Taipei.

Designed by Arturo Vittori studio Architecture and Vision, Warka water produces portable water by harvesting rain, fog and dew. It comprises of bamboo frame, recyclable mesh, rope, canopy, a water tank, hemp, and bio-plastic. It can be easily installed by a team of six people within four days. The canopy that extends in all side provides shade and facilities for gathering place. The design team is also experimenting with creating a water-efficient vegetable garden at the base of the tower.
The designers have also started developing a better 3D mesh fabric specifically designed for fog harvesting. Mass production of Warka Water is targeted for 2019, and the structures will be easily transportable and assembled without the need for scaffolding or machinery. Water tower is estimated to harvest between 50 and 100 liters of potable water every day and can store up to 1,000 liters. The 132-pound, easy-to-maintain structure costs approximately $1,000.

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