Home Art & Design The Terrific Renovations That Transformed Boring Homes

The Terrific Renovations That Transformed Boring Homes


13. Turning the attic crawlspace into the ultimate bunker

The Terrific Renovations That Transformed Boring Homes

14. This Victorian house just needed some tender loving care

The Terrific Renovations That Transformed Boring Homes

15. There was no zen around when this garden was being built.

The Terrific Renovations That Transformed Boring Homes

16. This must have required real magic. Or immense patience

The Terrific Renovations That Transformed Boring Homes

17. Nothing is more important than a peaceful bathroom

The Terrific Renovations That Transformed Boring Homes

18. Replacing loose wires with winding stairs. Genius.

The Terrific Renovations That Transformed Boring Homes

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