Home Art & Design 16 Stunning Staircase Ideas To Beautify Your Home

16 Stunning Staircase Ideas To Beautify Your Home


Any building you enter, you are likely to find yourself at some point or the other facing up against a staircase. Some can be long and daunting while others, just short enough to connect the ground floor to your first floor. In fact, they are a must-have in any large office building (in case of fire hazards) and a common staple in most homes, not to mention a great form of exercise. When you’re building your dream home, a cascading staircase that you can walk down like royalty would definitely make the list of requirements. Staircases can be works of art in and of themselves with each step making up the canvas. These are a few staircases that are classy, artistic and can turn any ordinary house into a home of the future!

1. Bespoke Wooden Cubism Staircase by Francesco Librizzi

16 Stunning Staircase Ideas To Beautify Your Home


2. The Slide Stairwell for kids

16 Stunning Staircase Ideas To Beautify Your Home


3. Rainbow gradient watercolor staircase

16 Stunning Staircase Ideas To Beautify Your Home


4. The Vertebrae Staircase by Andrew McConnell

16 Stunning Staircase Ideas To Beautify Your Home


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